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Where does mesothelioma usually develop inside the body?

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2024 | mesothelioma

Any type of cancer is cause for medical concern, but certain cancers are more dangerous than others. For example, modern treatments have drastically increased the survival rate for many common types of cancer, such as breast cancer. However, mesothelioma remains a very difficult cancer for healthcare professionals to treat. Mesothelioma doesn’t have an established cure and those diagnosed with mesothelioma have a very low five-year survival rate when compared with people who have other types of cancer.

Those who actively monitor themselves for warning signs of severe medical issues may be able to obtain treatment more promptly and could avoid the worst-case outcome if diagnosed with mesothelioma. Those who know the kinds of cancer they need to watch for may have greater chances of success when screening themselves.

Around the lungs

The most common form of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. This cancer begins growing around the lungs. Research indicates that anywhere from 75 to 80% of cases of mesothelioma begin around the lungs and then spread to other parts of the body. Pain, fatigue, coughing and difficulty breathing are some of the early symptoms of pleural mesothelioma.

In the abdominal cavity

Sometimes, mesothelioma begins in the abdominal cavity as opposed to the chest. Approximately 8% of diagnosed mesothelioma cases begin in the peritoneum or abdominal region. Peritoneal mesothelioma often does not cause coughing or breathing issues but instead abdominal pain or a sense of nausea.

Around the heart

Pericardial mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of mesothelioma where cancer begins to develop around someone’s heart. People may experience chest pains and difficulty breathing when cancer forms near their hearts.

It is also worth noting that in a small percentage of cases, mesothelioma begins growing around the lining of the testicles. Doctors refer to this as mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis. Often, lumps or other malformation discovered during a manual inspection of the testicles is the first warning sign of this rare type of mesothelioma.

Those who have previously worked with asbestos and who understand how cancer might develop in their case could be in a better position to diagnose themselves quickly. Learning more about mesothelioma may benefit anyone at elevated risk for this illness. Patients who seek compensation after a mesothelioma diagnosis may have better access to cutting-edge medical care for their symptoms.